Submission #3128272

Source Code Expand

using namespace std;
using ll = long long;

const int N = 1e5;

// when link(p, c) , c is root.
// use make(int index, Monoid::T x)
// lc[index] to access nodes
/// --- LinkCutTree Library {{{ ///

template < class Monoid, class M_act >
struct LinkCutTree {
  using X = typename Monoid::T;
  using M = typename M_act::M;

  // Splay sequence {{{
  struct Splay {
    Splay *ch[2] = {nullptr, nullptr}, *p = nullptr;
    X val, accum;
    M lazy = M_act::identity(); ///////
    // BSTの大きさ // 実際の部分木の大きさ,ではない
    int sz = 1;
    bool isRoot() { return !p || (p->ch[0] != this && p->ch[1] != this); }
    bool rev = false;
    // call before use
    void eval() {
      if(lazy != M_act::identity()) {
        val = M_act::actInto(lazy, -1, 1, val);
        accum = M_act::actInto(lazy, -1, sz, accum);
        if(ch[0]) ch[0]->lazy = M_act::op(lazy, ch[0]->lazy);
        if(ch[1]) ch[1]->lazy = M_act::op(lazy, ch[1]->lazy);
        lazy = M_act::identity();
      if(rev) {
        swap(ch[0], ch[1]);
        if(ch[0]) ch[0]->rev ^= 1;
        if(ch[1]) ch[1]->rev ^= 1;
        // accum = reverse(accum, sz)
        rev = false;
    void evalDown() {
      vector< Splay * > b2t;
      Splay *t = this;
      for(; !t->isRoot(); t = t->p) b2t.emplace_back(t);
      while(b2t.size()) b2t.back()->eval(), b2t.pop_back();
      // vector< Splay * >().swap(b2t);
    X accumulated(Splay *a) { return !a ? Monoid::identity() : a->accum; }
    int size(Splay *a) { return !a ? 0 : a->sz; }
    // call after touch
    void prop() {
      if(ch[0]) ch[0]->eval(); ////
      if(ch[1]) ch[1]->eval(); ////
      sz = size(ch[0]) + 1 + size(ch[1]);
      accum =
        Monoid::op(Monoid::op(accumulated(ch[0]), val), accumulated(ch[1]));
    Splay(const X &val) : val(val), accum(val) {}
    Splay *rotate(bool R) {
      Splay *t = ch[!R];
      if((ch[!R] = t->ch[R])) ch[!R]->p = this;
      t->ch[R] = this; ////
      if((t->p = p)) {
        if(t->p->ch[0] == this) t->p->ch[0] = t;
        if(t->p->ch[1] == this) t->p->ch[1] = t;
      p = t;
      prop(), t->prop();
      return t;
    // bottom-up
    void splay() {
      while(!isRoot()) {
        Splay *q = p;
        if(q->isRoot()) {
          q->rotate(q->ch[0] == this);
        } else {
          Splay *r = q->p;
          bool V = r->ch[0] == q;
          if(q->ch[!V] == this)
          p->rotate(V); ///////
  // }}}

  vector< Splay * > data;
  LinkCutTree(int n) : data(n) {}
  Splay *operator[](int i) { return data[i]; }
  Splay *make(int i, const X &x = Monoid::identity()) {
    return data[i] = new Splay(x);
  const X &get(Splay *x) {
    return x->val;
  void set(Splay *x, const X &val) {
    x->val = val;
  Splay *expose(Splay *x) {
    Splay *prv = nullptr, *now = x;
    for(; now; prv = now, now = now->p) {
      now->ch[1] = prv;
    x->splay(); /////
    return prv;
  void cut(Splay *c) {
#ifdef DEBUG
    static const struct CannotCutRoot {} ex;
    if(!c->ch[0]) throw ex;
    Splay *s = c->ch[0];
    c->ch[0] = nullptr;
    s->p = nullptr;
  void link(Splay *parent, Splay *child) {
#ifdef DEBUG
    static const struct CannotLinkSameNode {} ex;
    if(same(parent, child)) throw ex;
    expose(parent), expose(child);
    child->p = parent;
    parent->ch[1] = child;
  void evert(Splay *x) {
    x->rev = true;
  bool same(Splay *a, Splay *b) {
    if(a == b) return true;
    expose(a), expose(b);
    return a->p != nullptr;
  Splay *lca(Splay *a, Splay *b) {
#ifdef DEBUG
    static const struct CannotLCAAnotherNode {} ex;
    if(!same(a, b)) throw ex;
    expose(a), a = expose(b);
    return !a ? b : a;
  void act(Splay *a, const M &m) { expose(a), a->lazy = m; }
  X query(Splay *a) {
    return a->accum;
  // root of subtree
  Splay* getRoot(Splay *a) {
    Splay *t = a;
    while(t->ch[0]) t = t->ch[0];
    return t;

/// }}}--- ///

/// --- Monoid, M_act examples {{{ ///

/// --- Monoid examples {{{ ///

struct Nothing {
  using T = char;
  using M = char;
  static constexpr T op(const T &, const T &) { return 0; }
  static constexpr T identity() { return 0; }
  template < class X >
    static constexpr X actInto(const M &, ll, ll, const X &x) {
      return x;

struct RangeMin {
  using T = ll;
  static T op(const T &a, const T &b) { return min(a, b); }
  static constexpr T identity() { return numeric_limits< T >::max(); }

struct RangeMax {
  using T = ll;
  static T op(const T &a, const T &b) { return max(a, b); }
  static constexpr T identity() { return numeric_limits< T >::min(); }

struct RangeSum {
  using T = ll;
  static T op(const T &a, const T &b) { return a + b; }
  static constexpr T identity() { return 0; }

/// }}}--- ///

// MinAdd m + x
// MinSet m
// SumAdd m * n + x
// SumSet m * n

struct RangeMinAdd {
  using M = ll;
  using X = RangeMin::T;
  static M op(const M &a, const M &b) { return a + b; }
  static constexpr M identity() { return 0; }
  static X actInto(const M &m, ll, ll, const X &x) { return m + x; }

struct RangeMinSet {
  using M = ll;
  using X = RangeMin::T;
  static M op(const M &a, const M &) { return a; }
  static constexpr M identity() { return numeric_limits< M >::min(); }
  static X actInto(const M &m, ll, ll, const X &) { return m; }

struct RangeSumAdd {
  using M = ll;
  using X = RangeSum::T;
  static M op(const M &a, const M &b) { return a + b; }
  static constexpr M identity() { return 0; }
  static X actInto(const M &m, ll, ll n, const X &x) { return x + n * m; }

// struct RangeSumSet {
//   using M = ll;
//   using X = RangeSum::T;
//   static M op(const M &a, const M &) { return a; }
//   static constexpr M identity() { return numeric_limits< M >::min(); }
//   static X actInto(const M &m, ll, ll n, const X &) { return m * n; }
// };

/// }}}--- ///

// LinkCutTree< RangeSum, RangeSumSet > lc(N);

// LCTで殴れる!

vector<int> g[N];
int sz[N];

void dfs(int i, int p) {
  sz[i] = 1;
  for(int j : g[i]) if(j != p) {
    dfs(j, i);
    sz[i] += sz[j];

using LCT = LinkCutTree<RangeSum, RangeSumAdd>;
LCT lc(N);
int n;
int main() {
  std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false), std::cin.tie(0);
  cin >> n;
  map<LCT::Splay*, int> mp;
  for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) mp[lc.make(i, 0)] = i;
  using P = tuple<int, int, int>;
  vector<P> edges;
  for(int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
    int a, b, c;
    cin >> a >> b >> c;
    a--, b--;
    edges.emplace_back(c, a, b);
    lc.evert(lc[b]);[a], lc[b]);
  dfs(mp[lc.getRoot(lc[0])], -1);
  for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    lc.set(lc[i], sz[i]);
  // return 0;
  sort(begin(edges), end(edges));
  vector<ll> val(n);
  for(int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
    int c, a, b; tie(c, a, b) = edges[i];
    auto r = lc.getRoot(lc[a]);
    int sza = lc.get(lc[a]), szb = lc.get(lc[b]);
    if(sza < szb) swap(a, b), swap(sza, szb);
    lc.act(lc[a], -szb);
    sza = lc.get(r);
    val[b] += val[mp[r]];
    val[mp[r]] += (ll) c * szb;
    val[b] += (ll) c * sza;
  for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) cout << val[i] << endl;
  return 0;

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task E - Black Cats Deployment
User luma
Language C++14 (GCC 5.4.1)
Score 800
Code Size 7907 Byte
Status AC
Exec Time 735 ms
Memory 29032 KB

Judge Result

Set Name Sample Subtask1 Subtask2 All
Score / Max Score 0 / 0 200 / 200 200 / 200 400 / 400
AC × 3
AC × 10
AC × 9
AC × 32
Set Name Test Cases
Sample 00_example_01.txt, 00_example_02.txt, 00_example_03.txt
Subtask1 00_example_01.txt, 00_example_02.txt, 00_example_03.txt, s1_01.txt, s1_02.txt, s1_03.txt, s1_04.txt, s1_05.txt, s1_06.txt, s1_07.txt
Subtask2 00_example_02.txt, s1_07.txt, s2_08.txt, s2_09.txt, s2_10.txt, s2_11.txt, s2_12.txt, s2_13.txt, s2_14.txt
All 00_example_01.txt, 00_example_02.txt, 00_example_03.txt, s1_01.txt, s1_02.txt, s1_03.txt, s1_04.txt, s1_05.txt, s1_06.txt, s1_07.txt, s2_08.txt, s2_09.txt, s2_10.txt, s2_11.txt, s2_12.txt, s2_13.txt, s2_14.txt, s3_15.txt, s3_16.txt, s3_17.txt, s3_18.txt, s3_19.txt, s3_20.txt, s3_21.txt, s3_22.txt, s3_23.txt, s3_24.txt, s3_25.txt, s3_26.txt, s3_27.txt, s3_28.txt, s3_29.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
00_example_01.txt AC 2 ms 3456 KB
00_example_02.txt AC 3 ms 3456 KB
00_example_03.txt AC 3 ms 3456 KB
s1_01.txt AC 4 ms 3456 KB
s1_02.txt AC 5 ms 3456 KB
s1_03.txt AC 4 ms 3456 KB
s1_04.txt AC 6 ms 3584 KB
s1_05.txt AC 7 ms 3584 KB
s1_06.txt AC 6 ms 3712 KB
s1_07.txt AC 3 ms 3328 KB
s2_08.txt AC 413 ms 19892 KB
s2_09.txt AC 227 ms 11448 KB
s2_10.txt AC 110 ms 8124 KB
s2_11.txt AC 482 ms 22196 KB
s2_12.txt AC 577 ms 22068 KB
s2_13.txt AC 538 ms 28520 KB
s2_14.txt AC 543 ms 28524 KB
s3_15.txt AC 436 ms 20532 KB
s3_16.txt AC 239 ms 11832 KB
s3_17.txt AC 115 ms 8380 KB
s3_18.txt AC 209 ms 11960 KB
s3_19.txt AC 505 ms 22964 KB
s3_20.txt AC 604 ms 22708 KB
s3_21.txt AC 504 ms 22964 KB
s3_22.txt AC 512 ms 22964 KB
s3_23.txt AC 558 ms 29032 KB
s3_24.txt AC 563 ms 22708 KB
s3_25.txt AC 734 ms 22836 KB
s3_26.txt AC 549 ms 22708 KB
s3_27.txt AC 735 ms 22836 KB
s3_28.txt AC 538 ms 22708 KB
s3_29.txt AC 714 ms 22836 KB